edificiobelohorizonteThe INPUT - Sistemas de Informação, is a company based in Vila Nova de Gaia, develops its activity since 1997, under the provision of services in the area of information technology.

We are a team of professionals with a high degree of orientation towards the satisfaction of our Customers and with a big commitment to compliance of products and services we provide.

After having belonged to a business group in the area of support services organizations, INPUT management quickly if law made, consolidating its offer, through a portfolio of products and services with high added value for its customers. Over the 15 years of our existence we have had a steady and sustained growth.

One of the main advantages of today the competitiveness of companies is, without doubt, the domain of information.

In this sense the successful businesses develop information Systems able to each time responding to the needs of each situation. But it is not always easy to develop such systems, especially if the business structure is reduced and quite requested for routine operations from day to day.

It is precisely at this point that our team of professionals, combining the technical knowledge of instruments of development of information systems and organization of this feature, you can help your company create a system tailored to your needs.

In a constantly changing environment it is difficult to decide correctly as regards investments to make in this area. Here, we also want to help you choose!

We also want to put your company in touch with the world, giving you the ability to use internal and external forms of communication in a philosophy of network (internet, intranet and extranet), in a manner accessible to all users, Demystifying, definitely, that is only for a few.

We do not want to be another company to sell computers on the market, but we are your consultant, your advisor, your partner in this difficult task of managing your business information.

Mission and vision

Support our companies customers in the design and development of information systems, always using the most up-to-date technologies and making use of the Internet as a means of contact with the world. To achieve this mission the INPUT it is proposed to maintain an attitude of constant research, seeking to be better trained to the level of the latest products on the market, while maintaining a close proximity of businesses and of their structures, which allows you to draw and integrated solutions adapted to each reality.

Our Team

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John Doe

Head of Operations

John DoeTempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua metus vitae dignissim pregnant.

James Doe

Chief Operations Officer

John DoeTempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua metus vitae dignissim pregnant.

Hellen Smith

Group Human Resource

John DoeTempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua metus vitae dignissim pregnant.

Lucy Liu

Operations Manager

John DoeTempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua metus vitae dignissim pregnant.

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